Introduction: Seeing Dental and General Health Provision Afresh From a Distance
Hello, and welcome to the blog! This was sparked off by a number of things: The recent near-crisis in NHS England, caused by a wicked Tory plot to underfund the NHS according to pressure groups and left-leaning English press; the concurrent crisis in NHS Scotland, not the fault of the Scottish National Party according to the loyal Scottish press and Scottish government, but all due to Scottish NHS workers not taking up the offer of flu' vaccines; the equivalent but longer-standing crisis in the private-insurance-funded health care system on Jersey; the fury of some dentists known to the blog author at policies which put colleagues in the invidious position of being "supervisors of neglect" where children's baby-teeth are literally left to rot until an emergency extraction is required, which needs a hospital bed, operating theatre and a (always risky) general anesthetic, when all that would have been needed at a much earlier stage was a lesson in how to use a t...